The Modern Times of To the Lighthouse

讲次 第 86 讲
主讲人 Ruth Bernard Yeazell
开始时间 2022年10月28日(周五)20:00
结束时间 2022年10月28日(周五)21:30
地点 Zoom-会议号:918-0697-3553
主办方 英语学院
承办方 英语学院
语言 英语 English

What does it mean to think of the time—or times—of Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse (1925) as modern? “Let us not take it for granted that life exists more fully in what is commonly thought big than in what is commonly thought small,” Woolf famously wrote in her own “Modern Fiction” (1919). In the spirit of that injunction, this lecture will attempt to answer the question at different scales of magnitude, from the large sweep of Western literary history to the seemingly minor timing of a recipe for a dinner party. Along the way, we will also attend to the ten years of the novel’s represented time and how Woolf arranges their passage in order to write an elegy for her parents that doubles as an elegy for the Victorian world that she, like her artist-heroine, has left behind.


Ruth Bernard Yeazell

露丝·伯纳德·叶泽尔(Ruth Bernard Yeazell)现任耶鲁大学斯特林讲座教授,是美国艺术与科学学院院士。叶泽尔教授著有众多专著、论文和书评,是18世纪到20世纪小说、性别和性史以及文学与视觉艺术的专家。近年来,叶泽尔教授出版的专著包括《精神的后宫: 西方艺术和文学的旅程》(Harems of the Mind: Passages of Western Art and Literature,2000)、《日常生活的艺术: 荷兰画和现实主义小说》(Art of the Everyday: Dutch Painting and the Realist Novel, 2008) 和《画题: 西方画作提名的奥秘》(Picture Titles: How and Why Western Paintings Acquired Their Names,2015)。
