
Taking up a Multilingual Stance in Monolingual Contexts: The Critical Work of Teachers and Administrators to Navigate and Create Language Policies

讲次 第 131 讲
主讲人 Kate Menken
主持人 戴维·约翰逊,余华
开始时间 2022年12月03日(周六)08:00
结束时间 2022年12月03日(周六)10:30
地点 Zoom:91976504207
主办方 中国外语战略研究中心
承办方 中国外语战略研究中心
语言 英语 English

This presentation overviews the language education policy context for bilingual children in the United States and the impact of language ideologies on educational programming and practices. It then highlights the critical work of teachers and school administrators in navigating those policies, focusing on their agency to not only implement policies but also to create them. With the “multilingual turn” (May, 2014) in TESOL and applied linguistics, the language policy focus within this session is on how researchers and practitioners can take up approaches that promote bi/multilingualism. Specifically, I will share examples from research of how administrators and educators have disrupted English-only policies by implementing translanguaging pedagogy in their schools and/or by offering bilingual education programming. Findings from this research highlight the importance of setting a language policy vision at the school and classroom level, and the presentation will share a process for doing so.

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Kate Menken

Kate Menken is a Professor of Linguistics and TESOL at Queens College of the City University of New York (CUNY). She is also a Research Fellow at the Research Institute for the Study of Language in Urban Society at the CUNY Graduate Center. Her research interests include language education policy, bilingual education, and the education of bilingual children and youth in U.S. public schools. She is Co-Editor of the journal Language Policy and her books are English Learners Left Behind: Standardized Testing as Language Policy (Multilingual Matters, 2008); Negotiating Language Policies in Schools: Educators as Policymakers (with Ofelia García, Routledge, 2010); Common Core, Bilingual and English Language Learners: A Resource for Educators (with Guadalupe Valdés and Mariana Castro, Caslon, 2015), and Translanguaging and Transformative Teaching for Emergent Bilingual Students: Lessons from the CUNY-NYSIEB Project (CUNY-NYSIEB, Routledge, 2020). Further information can be found on her website: http://katemenken.org
