
Different Insights into Bilingual Language Processing

讲次 第 3 讲
主讲人 汪昕 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学
主持人 邓一恒教授
开始时间 2023年06月12日(周一)13:30
结束时间 2023年06月12日(周一)14:30
地点 虹口校区-1号楼-508室
腾讯会议:117 955 333
主办方 跨文化研究中心
语言 英语 English

Over the last two decades, Psycholinguistic work in Bilingualism has generated a fast growing body of evidence and papers to show the non-selective nature of bilingual lexical access and its implications for the linguistic and cognitive architecture of bilingualism. Bilingual research differs from monolingual research in a number of ways, but oftenly modelling bilingualism is based on the same assumptions as in monolingualism. Models can be constrained by research paradigms and language-specific properties. In this talk, I will demonstrate in both spoken and visual domains how/why main stream bilingual models are open to critique and offer alternative explanations of bilingual lexical processing and representations. 



汪昕 澳大利亚麦考瑞大学

Dr. Wang, Xin is a Senior Lecturer at Macquarie University, Australia. She received her PhD (majored in Second Language Acquisition and minored in Cognitive Science) from the University of Arizona (USA). Then she was supported by a Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford (UK). In addition, for a brief period, she was an Assistant Professor housed in the Department of English Language and Literature at the National University of Singapore. Her primary research interest is in how L2 is mentally processed and represented in relation to L1, in order to understand the linguistic and cognitive architecture of Bilingualism/Multilingualism. She has published as the first author in a variety of international peer-reviewed journals, including Cognition; Language, Cognition and Neuroscience; Bilingualism: Language and Cognition; etc. Her recent project is funded by Australia Research Council to understand how tonal information is processed and represented in tonal bilinguals.
