“Study hard, get good grades, pass your exams, graduate, get a job, and that’s it!! You’ve made it! You’ll be happy!” ....... Well, no ... not really ...
The “after-university” is actually when your life really begins. But are you REALLY ready for it?
Centuries-old knowledge and more recent studies offer ways to develop a path in life more fulfilled with happiness! This interactive lecture won’t bring all the answers, but it sure will bring you some good questions and tips to help you have a better well-being.
Greg Denot
Certified in ‘The Science Of Well-being’ by Yale University, Certified in ‘International Leadership and Organisational Behaviour’ by Universita Bocconi, Professional Master (BTEC7) in ‘Communications’, author of How to Achieve New Year’s Resolutions …
Through his travels – backpacking – and his professional experiences, Greg met, discussed with and studied thousands of people from ALL OVER THE WORLD!
About his professional experience, one word: variety!
Economics teacher at Qingdao Ocean University, salesman at a supplier for Gore-Tex, quality inspector with Bank of China, showroom manager with Cadillac (凯迪拉克), independent salesman in medical equipment with Meditech, voice dubbing for the French ads for Haier (海尔)… even some modeling for different local clothing companies and magazines!
Now at SISU, he shares his knowledge on intrapersonal development, communication, and relationship skills in order to give to his students solutions to reach their potential, thus achieving the life they expect … in any type of cultural background!