
Growing old in an adopted land: Cross-fertilizing ageing and acculturation research

讲次 第 八 讲
主讲人 Dr Ágnes Szabó
主持人 迟若冰
开始时间 2024年03月22日(周五)13:30
结束时间 2024年03月22日(周五)15:30
地点 虹口校区-6号楼-602
主办方 跨文化研究中心
语言 英语 English

‘Growing old in an adopted land’ is a 5-year research program centred on three interconnected themes. Theme 1 ‘Redefining ageing well in the context of migration’ explores the meanings migrants associate with ageing well and the sociocultural factors that enable or hinder migrants to live according to valued goals. Theme 2 ‘The challenges of transnational ageing’ focuses on issues related to transnational belonging, loss, and the meaning of place, particularly ageing in place, when home means two different countries. Theme 3 ‘Growing old together’ seeks to understand how culturally mixed couples navigate ageing and the extent to which intercultural marriages create unique pathways to ageing well and socio-cultural integration across the lifespan. I will present findings from a series of focus groups, life course history interviews and surveys conducted with adult migrants living in Aotearoa New Zealand about their experiences of ageing as a migrant in a foreign country.


Dr Ágnes Szabó

Dr Ágnes Szabó is a Senior Lecturer in Health and a Rutherford Discovery Fellow in the School of Health at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Her project, ‘Growing old in an adopted land’, focuses on the ageing experiences of migrant communities in Aotearoa. In her work, she integrates life course approaches and acculturation theory with critical gerontology and is interested in the social and cultural determinants of health and wellbeing.
