In this workshop on Research Methodology for Foreign Language Education, participants will learn about the essentials of foreign language education research. The workshop will be divided into three main parts. The first part will cover the fundamentals of foreign language education research, including sub-fields of foreign language education, research goals, research types, research process, and principal components of research design. The second part will focus on research methods commonly used for collecting data in foreign language education studies. Participants will be introduced to methods such as grammaticality judgment, lexical priming, comprehension, production, and survey questions. The last part of the workshop will introduce some of the most renowned academic journals that publish current research findings in foreign language education. Overall, this workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of research methodology in foreign language education and equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct their research in this field.
Chan Yuet Hung Cecilia
Chan Yuet Hung Cecilia博士,香港城市大学翻译及语言学系副教授、副系主任。曾担任香港公开大学的外部考官及学术顾问,被任命为香港学术及职业资历评审局的专家。其学术研究涉及第二语言汉语和第二语言英语的习得、应用语言学及语言障碍等领域,论文见诸于Second Language Research, Language, Culture and Curriculum, Lingua, and Journal of Chinese Writing Systems等国际知名期刊。