
讲次 第 2 讲
开始时间 2017年03月24日(周五)09:00
结束时间 2017年03月24日(周五)11:00
地点 虹口校区-逸夫图书馆-604室
语言 汉语

主持人:赵蓉晖教授 (上海外国语大学)
评议人:潘天舒教授 (复旦大学人类学民族学研究所)
Around the world today, research on “human subjects” has become subject to ethical guidelines far more stringent than anything that existed in the past. This not only improves the moral value of human subjects research but also improves the quality of the research itself. At the same time, it creates some difficulties inasmuch as not all disciplines have the same methods, follow the same ethical guidelines, or have an equally strong commitment to ethical practices.
The speaker, who is a member of his university’s committee for ethical practices in the social sciences and humanities, will describe some of the issues he has encountered as a committee member and as an active social scientist in his university and will modestly suggest potential ways in which Chinese colleagues might consider developing similar codes while avoiding some of the mistakes committed in the past in the West.
