This talks reviews Translanguaging as a pedagogical philosophy, an analytical approach and a theory of language and communication in the posthumanist era. It explores the origins and contexts of the idea of translanguaging and its connections with other theories and models. It also aims to clarify some confusions and misunderstanding surrounding the concept. It will show how the concept is being used and can be applied in various contexts, with a focus on innovative communication practices.
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Li Wei holds a Chair of Applied Linguistics at the UCL Institute of Education where he also heads up the ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership for Bloomsbury and East London universities and the UCL Centre for Applied Linguistics. He has previously been Head of School of Education at Newcastle University, Pro-Vice-Master of Birkbeck, University of London, and Chair of the University Council of General and Applied Linguistics, UK. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, UK. In 1997, he founded the International Journal of Bilingualism, an SSCI journal. He also founded Applied Linguistics Review (SSCI), Global Chinese (Scopus), Chinese Language and Discourse (Scopus, ESCI), and Language, Culture and Society. He is in the process of launching another major international journal in 2022. He is currently Editor of two SSCI journals, the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, and Applied Linguistics Review.