What is interculturality? What have we learned and where are we going? —— 文化间性研究纵谈

讲次 第 77 讲
主讲人 祝华
开始时间 2021年04月29日(周四)18:30
结束时间 2021年04月29日(周四)20:30
主办方 中国外语战略研究中心
承办方 中国外语战略研究中心
语言 英语 English

As a research paradigm, interculturality focuses on the role of interactions and discursive practices in negotiating the relevance of (cultural) identities and differences between self-oriented and ascribed identities. In this talk, I will review its theoretical and methodological development since its conceptualization in 1990s. I will discuss what we have learned from researching interculturality and its potential in engaging the social justice and anti-racism research agenda. 
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祝华(Zhu Hua),英国社会科学院院士,国际跨文化研究学院院士,伯明翰大学教育学院讲席教授、Mosaic 多语研究中心主任,学院国际化负责人。主要研究多语交际、跨文化交际及儿童语言,主持系列大型双语政策研究项目,发表100篇SSCI论文,专著、编著14部。劳特利奇(Routledge)语言与跨文化交际丛书主编,剑桥应用语言学关键话题丛书主编。
