Most ‘traditional’ research into second language development tends to focus on groups of learners that are representative for larger populations based on statistics and on the Gaussian distribution. This allows us to make generalizations about second language development that describe general tendencies and relationships. In contrast, studies inspired by Complex Dynamic Systems Theory (CDST) tend to focus on the development over time of using single or multiple case studies. This allows us to closely follow and describe the process of development of individual learners. The two approaches seem to cover contradictory perspectives on L2 development. Group studies allow for generalizations, but cannot say anything about the individuals in the group. Case studies show us the development of individual learners, but these observations cannot be generalized beyond the individual learner. In this presentation, I will discuss the contrastive dimensions of research into L2 development and consider solutions to solve the apparent incommensurability of the two approaches. I will make use of the construct of ergodicity as described in Lowie and Verspoor (2019), and will discuss a new (and still ongoing) study that focuses on learners’ use of mobile devices to support language learning (Peng, Jager & Lowie, forthcoming), where the group meets the individual.
Wander Lowie
Wander Lowie holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Groningen and is chair of Applied Linguistics at this university. He is a research associate of the University of the Free State in South Africa and is associate editor of The Modern Language Journal. His main research interest lies in the application of Dynamic Systems Theory to second language development (learning and teaching). He has published more than 50 articles and book chapters and (co-)authored five books in field of Applied Linguistics.