【简介】 In this introductory lecture, we will meet one of the great creative periods in Western culture, wh...更多
【简介】The diminished prestige of literature may be interpreted in connection with the general transition f...更多
【简介】 二十世纪初,瑞士符号学家索绪尔提出其二元符号模式,在学界内外都产生了重大影响。然而,符号能指与所指之关系并非他所想象的那样一蹴而就、单独对应,这要求我们对索绪尔的符号模式进行再思考。几乎在同一时间,...更多
【简介】In this presentation I will talk about my experience working with three major applied linguistics jo...更多
【简介】 William S. Burroughs worked with sound and word as discrete, digital units of information, creat...更多
【简介】William Seward Burroughs wrote some of the most brutal and hilarious texts of the 20th century, nove...更多
【简介】The overall aim of World Literature is to study literature in a larger context than the linguistic a...更多